Important Dates
Conference registration and abstract submission open: March 8, 2024
Registration and abstract submission deadline for oral and poster contributions: July 1st, 2024
Abstract acceptance notification for oral contributions: July 10, 2024
Payment deadline: July 15, 2024
Registration Fees
The registration fees include:
4 nights in the Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Amersfoort with full board
The excursion
Conference materials
Regular participants
Single room: € 800
Sharing a double room: € 650
Students/PhD students
Single room: € 800
Sharing a double room: € 650
Accompanying persons
Sharing a double room: € 450 (including full board)
Abstract Submissions
For the abstract submissions, we kindly ask the authors to follow the template below.
The book of abstracts will collect all of the accepted contributions. Please take into account that only abstracts of registered people that have completed payment of the conference fee will be included in the book and in the final program of the conference.
Poster format: A0 portrait style (841 mm x 1189 mm).
Please use the following abstract template:

Important information:
Payment has to be completed before the corresponding registration deadline.
The registration fee includes conference material, reception and coffee breaks.
Registration links
An alternative option is to pay by direct bank transfer:
Account number: NL60 ABNA 0436 4609 71
Account holder: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
PO Box 72, 9700 AS Groningen
Bank name: ABN AMRO
Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, Amsterdam
In description, please mention the name of the conference (REHE), your own name, and order number 22229. Thank you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about registration, travel, or need help with anything else!